The Turn-Key Revolution Reading List

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Incredible view, huh? That's the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore. It's not Photoshopped, it's what they call an "Infinity Pool," and this one is 55 stories up and longer than a football field. The future is an amazing place. 2010 is an incredible time to be alive, especially for an entrepreneur as hard-working as you. This is about being on the edge, full time...

All this week, we're going to be explaining and exploring the Turn-Key Revolution here at InfoMarketer. Automation, acceleration, and speed-to-market have been shaping the business world for decades, of course. So what's changed? The availability of powerful turn-key solutions that enable you to roll out fully intact online businesses faster than ever -- systems that can completely change the game rules for how we do business.
These four books are the highest recommendations we can offer, centered around the theme of getting comfortable swimming on the edge...
Rework by Jason Fried. This could be one of the best business books of the year. Challenging, provocative, like a brutally honest coach...this is a book you can finish in a single short plane ride, but it will stick with you for a very long time. Now, not everyone agrees that this is a great read. It's also been called "obvious, simplistic and arrogant," and "a litany of excuses for the lack of productivity that is endemic in the programmer world." New ideas push old buttons, though. Fried runs 37signals, the tech company behind Basecamp, and all of the insights here are hard-won and tested in the real world. Read this with a notebook handy -- there's a ton of ideas in here.
The 24 Hour Customer: New Rules for Winning in a Time-Starved, Always-Connected Economy, by Adrian C. Ott. You're probably thinking, another book about how the internet has changed business? Aren't there already enough of those? Yes, but none as good as this. This is not about metaphors and cool stories, this is a serious book full of data, case studies and enough facts per page to qualify as an Encyclopedia. These days, most business books are delivered like a PowerPoint presentation, but Ott has taken the time to create the definitive work. Online shopping represents a huge change in the rules of engagement, and Ott presents the information you'll need to master these changes in a hype-free and easily readable style. This is a class act.
The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations, by Ori Brafman. This book as been making headlines all year, thanks to an incredible word of mouth campaign. From Fortune 500 CEOs to Tea Party activists, The Starfish and the Spider has been adopted as a manual for making things happen faster. This book is a guided tour of the dangerously powerful idea that runs beneath recent trends like "Crowd-Sourcing" and, well...everything else from al-Qaeda to Wikipedia. The style here is a lot like Malcolm Gladwell's work -- enjoyably fast-paced and heavy on good stories. This is a very valuable look at the Big Picture that all online businesses are a part of: a distributed network that's evaporating traditional business bureaucracy, year after year.
Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard, by Dan and Chip Heath. To this day, one of the most accessible and valuable books on branding and positioning is Made to Stick, which launched the Heath Brothers onto the global scene. With Switch, they've done something very rare in the business world -- written a second book even better than their first. Rather than remain in their comfort zone, they've taken on an even more ambitious subject. The Heath brothers have a gift for teaching through storytelling, and Switch is like a movie in every chapter. Exploring how to make change work from international companies to small businesses, this is a book you will keep referring back to for ideas and inspiration.
Stay Tuned...whether you're a serial entrepreneur ready to roll out your next million dollar idea, or a business owner looking to grow online without any additional headaches, the Business Development System we're going to lay out this week will probably change your life.