Marketing to the Super-Empowered focuses on one of the unspoken rules of information marketing: the customer is not always right. It's more important to get the right customers. When you oversell your product, it will always cost you down the road. In fact, it usually comes back to bite you in less than 30 days, as you get hit with a flood of returns and watch your profit margin take a nosedive in real time!
High-pressure sales tactics are still getting taught, but they sure don't work like they used to. This ebook is a fast-paced education in marketing to professionals. From the historical perspective of Peter Drucker to the cutting edge demographic insights of John Gerzema, Marketing to the Super-Empowered will get you caught up on the new challenges you're facing in 2010.
This is about how to deal with what marketing experts are calling "The Post-Crisis Consumer," business owners and entrepreneurs who are short on time...and even shorter on patience for traditional email marketing templates. They invest money careful and ask lots of questions -- but you can easily transform these challenges into opportunities. All it takes is a change in perspective...